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The Ministerial Team at Burton Dassett Church

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Rev'd Nicki has now finished her period of Interim Ministry with us and the parish is in an Interregnum. 
Revd. Nicki is now with the Stourdean Group of Parishes and can be contacted on 07769871237

Reverend Nicki Chatterton


We are awaiting the appointment of our new minister. 



John is an Anglican Lay Minister and 
Chaplain to Stratford upon Avon Sea Cadets.
During the week he teaches 
and runs First Aid courses.

John Davies

Church Volunteers

Church Warden
John Anderson

The churchwarden is an annually elected member of the church community - congregation. They are work with the parish priest and are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.

Burton Dassett PCC
- Parochial Church Council -

The Parochial Church Council, is the governing body of the church and is made up of the clergy and lay members from the congregation. They work together with the priest and church warden to ensure the smooth running of the church.


Originally set up to restore the church which had fallen into disrepair, this committee now raises money for specific building projects and to maintain the church building. Their most recent project has been to raise money for 'Toilets and Taps'. 

The Restoration Committee

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