St. Peter and St. Clare Fenny Compton
The Parish of Avon Dassett with Fenny Compton; Fenny Compton is a thriving village of around 800 people. The neighbouring village of Avon Dassett has around 200 residents and includes St John the Baptist's Church, which is maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust. Amenities in the parish include the Parish Church of St Peter and St. Clare, and Methodist Chapel, The Dassett Church of England Primary School, Abacus day nursery, a Surgery, a Co-op, Fire station and village Hall. On alternate years we hold the Church Fete and Open Gardens with a flower display in the Church which local businesses support. The proceeds are split between the Church and the Village Hall.

Fenny Compton TOTS & TODDLERS
Wednesday 9.45am to 11.45am
Fenny Compton Village Hall
Children from birth to school age
Just turn up and meet other children, parents, grandparents, childminders in a friendly informal setting.
Lots of space. Great toys. Craft. Songs. Stories. Snacks & drinks.
£3 per adult and 1 child - 50p per extra child
Just-a-Bite Lunches
Fenny Compton Village Hall
on the 3rd Monday of each month 12 noon to 1.30pm
Time to catch up with friends over a light lunch.
Working from home - need a break? Pop in for lunch and a chat.
Mum at home with a baby or toddler - come and meet others.
Homemade soup and a roll, cheese, tea, coffee and homemade cake available.
Proceeds go towards church funds.
Every Sunday Starting at 11am
1st Sunday
Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday
Holy Communion - Modern Language
3rd Sunday
Morning Prayer
4th Sunday Fenny Compton Village Hall
Breakfast - Food for Thought
10am Breakfast
10.30am Family friendly faith... easy going... very informal