Big Band Concert
Midland Youth Jazz Orchestra
Bring a picnic to enjoy before the performance at 7.30pm. There will be a bar, opening at 6pm, and again in the interval, also a raffle. We hope you will take the opportunity to support these amazing young people who have played on radio and television, and in many jazz festivals all over the world. Just Google MYJO to read for yourself! Bookings are being taken now as we anticipate a good turnout.
Please see poster for contact details for tickets or email below:

On behalf of the people of the Parish of Burton Dassett we warmly welcome you to our website and hope that in due course we will have the pleasure of meeting you in person.
All Saints' Church known locally as "the Cathedral in the Hills' is a community of faith rooted in the love of God. We believe worship is not just found in prayer, it’s something expressed in everything we do.


All Saints' Church has a long, proud history of serving the people of the parish of Burton Dassett.
Welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love, and keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their hearts. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate into your soul.
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in the Dassett Hills. It is a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who are moved to visit. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.
The Parish of Burton Dassett; (which includes Knightcote, Little Dassett, Northend and Temple Herdewyke) supports two churches: the Chapel of Ease in Northend and All Saints Church at Burton Dassett. The Parish is part of the Dassett Magna Group of Parishes.
Both All Saints' Church and the Chapel of Ease are usually open daily from early morning until dusk. We welcome all ages and backgrounds for personal prayer and to visit the beautiful medieval building of All Saints' church.

Worship and Prayer is key to our faith at Burton Dassett Church. We offer a number of different services to ensure you can always worship with the community either in church or online. Our service rota includes daily prayer, Holy Communion, Individual Prayer, and more.
To learn more about our services and plan your visit click on the link
or to join our online services use the
All are welcome to services held at 10am  in the churches.Â
1st Sunday Communion held at All Saints', Burton Dassett.
2nd and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer held at the Chapel of Ease, Northend.
4th Sunday Agape held at the Chapel of Ease, Northend.
5th Sunday Group

Maintaining our church buildings and supporting the ministry of the church.
In the UK the church does not receive government or council money, so church giving is what pays for our vicar and other ministry costs, and for the upkeep of our historic church buildings.

“The person who gives freely gains more and more; A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:24).

The regular giving and donations you make to the church make a difference. In many villages it can help to keep the doors open.

There are various ways you can donate. We put a collection plate out during services and electronic giving is also available. To set up a Standing Order for your church please use the following details:
Burton Dassett Parochial Church Council
Sort Code: 55 -70-33
Account no.: 28544420
Life Events
What's it all about ?
Who is Jesus ?
Whether you are new to faith,
have been away and are coming back,
or you are just wanting to explore your faith,
the bible is a good place to start to answer that question.
Whatever your preferred reading matter the bible is full of interesting stories, about love and hate, good and evil, war and peace.
It is made up of 66 books but don't feel you need to read it in one go - you can read it in bits.
This video will give you a good summery of the bible and explain who Jesus is.

The Warwick University Brass Society is a fun, friendly and lively group to get involved with. The society welcomes all brass players , percussionists and even those who have never picked up a brass instrument before. The award winning ensembles - which include a brass band, a symphonic brass ensemble and a beginners group welcomes all standards of musicians and are all non auditioned. They have delighted us at Burton Dassett over the last few years as they play their final concert of the academic year . We look forward to their return after a gap of 3 years. Not to be missed!

All Saints Church is a very popular venue for concerts, afternoon teas, fundraising events and a variety of church social and community events as well as for worship. Due to the COVID19 Pandemic at the moment we are only having worship services . Here is an example of some of our previous events - hopefully soon to be reinstated.
Small Pilgrim Places
Breathing spaces on the Pilgrim Journey
The Holy Well and Church at All Saints' Burton Dassett are part of the Small Pilgrim Places Network.
We welcome all visitors - Tourists, Seekers and Pilgrims.
We offer 'a place where your mind can be idle, and forget its concerns, descend into silence, and worship in secret.' Thomas Merton
Small Pilgrim Places are:
Spaces for pondering, breathing, meditating, praying and ‘being’
Small places, not those already on the map, well-known, or that draw crowds;
Simple, quiet and unpretentious, with the presence of the Divine;
Places of worship, gardens, ruins, open spaces, holy wells, etc.;
Welcoming and inclusive.
Contact Us
John Anderson - Churchwarden. Parish is in an Interregnum
Saxon Hill House
Southam CV47 2TY